Geograph Links Directory
Links Search
- Separate multiple keywords with spaces, all keywords are required (ie AND)
- Only matches whole words, punctuation is not searchable
- Not case sensitive
- Looking for exact match?
Prefix a keyword with = (otherwise bridge matches bridges, bridging etc)
- Currently searches
- url, title, description, category, tags, and developer name
- Can match phrases [ "road bridge" ]
- Can use OR between keywords [ bridge OR bont OR pont ]
- Can exclude words/terms [ canal -river ] or [ river -"road bridge" ]
- Instead run a ANY search [ ~bridge road river ]
Field search Examples...
- title:leaderboard
- url:search.php
- category:contributor
- tags:upload
- homepage developer:britain
(Note: it is recommended to put fields at the end of the query - i.e. normal keywords should be first)
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