Welcome to the Geograph Worldwide Homepage

Geograph is a concept and open source code for a online website to create a comprehensive collection of photographs capturing every part of given region.

Currently there are three active projects, shown below - including a photograph from each.

Geograph Britain and Ireland

Today's Photo of the day

TL6753 : Great Bradley: Stour Valley view by John Sutton

North from Hall Road, near the church and Hall farm, on an exceptionally clear and bright November morning.

Creative Commons License


Geograph Germany

Today's Photo of the day

UMV3664 : Forstackerweg by Sebastian und Kari

Weg zum Lagerplatz Pfadfinder VCP Hambach.

Creative Commons License


Geograph Channel Islands

Random photo (doesn't have a daily photo)

WA5908 : The Odeon from the west by John Rostron

The Odeon is the nickname of a German fortification and observation post on top of the elevated ground of Mannez Garenne.

Creative Commons License


Geograph Britain and Ireland, also has a slightly simplified site schools.geograph.org.uk intended for use within Schools.

... and a sub-project just focusing on images in Ireland, www.geograph.ie.

Geograph Germany/Deutschland, also has a German/Deutsch language version at geo.hlipp.de.