Geograph is a concept and open source code for a online website to create a comprehensive collection of photographs capturing every part of given region.
Currently there are three active projects, shown below - including a photograph from each.
Today's Photo of the day
TL6753 : Great Bradley: Stour Valley view by John SuttonNorth from Hall Road, near the church and Hall farm, on an exceptionally clear and bright November morning.'s Photo of the day
UMV3664 : Forstackerweg by Sebastian und Kari
Weg zum Lagerplatz Pfadfinder VCP Hambach.
Random photo (doesn't have a daily photo)
WA5908 : The Odeon from the west by John RostronThe Odeon is the nickname of a German fortification and observation post on top of the elevated ground of Mannez Garenne. Britain and Ireland, also has a slightly simplified site intended for use within Schools.
... and a sub-project just focusing on images in Ireland,
Geograph Germany/Deutschland, also has a German/Deutsch language version at