Welcome to the Geograph Worldwide Homepage

Geograph is a concept and open source code for a online website to create a comprehensive collection of photographs capturing every part of given region.

Currently there are three active projects, shown below - including a photograph from each.

Geograph Britain and Ireland

Today's Photo of the day

SD7659 : North east from Whelp Stone Crag by Karl and Ali

The north eastern end of the crag has its own jumble of gritstone boulders and outcrops. In the middle distance is the white farmhouse at Owlshaw with Pen-y-ghent (left) and Fountains Fell rising on the skyline above.

Creative Commons License


Geograph Germany

Today's Photo of the day

UUT1959 : Bräsen - Waldweg by BMG1900-Anhalt

Das Foto zeigt einen Waldweg nach Bräsen im Waldgebiet südlich des Ortes.

Creative Commons License


Geograph Channel Islands

Random photo (doesn't have a daily photo)

WV6151 : Jersey War Tunnels by Richard Croft

Britain left Jersey defenceless during World War II and the Island was occupied by German forces who used slave labour to dig deep into the hillside to create over 1km of tunnels. http://www.jerseywartunnels.com/

Creative Commons License


Geograph Britain and Ireland, also has a slightly simplified site schools.geograph.org.uk intended for use within Schools.

... and a sub-project just focusing on images in Ireland, www.geograph.ie.

Geograph Germany/Deutschland, also has a German/Deutsch language version at geo.hlipp.de.