Geograph is a concept and open source code for a online website to create a comprehensive collection of photographs capturing every part of given region.
Currently there are three active projects, shown below - including a photograph from each.
Today's Photo of the day
SJ8097 : View of Aether & Hemera's "Voyage" - flotilla installation in Salford Quays by J WVoyage - Conceived and created by UK-based studio Aether & Hemera. A flotilla featuring a total of 198 origami boats floating on the water in Dock 9 during Lightwaves, MediaCityUK.'s Photo of the day
UNU3095 : Plochingen: Stadtbücherei und Ottilienkapelle by Andreas Gmelin-Rewiako
Die Ottilienkapelle stammt aus dem frühen 15. Jahrhundert. Ein Vorgängerbau ist auf das Jahr 1328 datiert.
Random photo (doesn't have a daily photo)
WV5751 : Reservoir dam wall by DS PughLooking towards the dam wall of Val de la Mare. Britain and Ireland, also has a slightly simplified site intended for use within Schools.
... and a sub-project just focusing on images in Ireland,
Geograph Germany/Deutschland, also has a German/Deutsch language version at