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Grid reference SO8217

near to Hempsted, Gloucestershire, England


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SO8217 : 67-113 Seymour Road, Gloucester by Stephen Richards 67-113 Seymour Road, Gloucester
Typical artisan housing of the last decades of the C19th.
SO8217 : On the A430, Hempsted Lane, heading south by Rob Purvis On the A430, Hempsted Lane, heading south
SO8217 : Timber yard alongside the Gloucester & Sharpness canal by Christine Johnstone Timber yard alongside the Gloucester & Sharpness canal
Taken from the trip boat, Queen Boadicea II.
SO8217 : Mitchell's Mural by Pebble Mitchell's Mural
A mural on the side of a building belonging to Mitchell's, an air conditioning company.
SO8217 : Gloucester Docks by Wayland Smith Gloucester Docks
Restored warehouse in the docks at Gloucester.
SO8217 : Ordnance Survey Cut Mark by Adrian Dust Ordnance Survey Cut Mark
This OS cut mark can be found on No153 Southgate Street. It marks a point 13.945m above mean sea level.
SO8217 : Gloucester, Monk Meadow Dock by Alby Gloucester, Monk Meadow Dock
by Alby
Monk Meadow Dock situated on the Gloucester & Sharpness canal southern from the proper docks.
SO8217 : High Orchard by Dave Bushell High Orchard
Derelict buildings in Gloucester's dockland, looking north
SO8217 : New Aldi in Gloucester by John Winder New Aldi in Gloucester
These things are springing up everywhere, now that no one's got any money and even relatively exalted worker ants like, say, night shift haulage company managers get paid a mere pittance. Here's a new Aldi under construction on... (more)
SO8217 : Disused warehouse, High Orchard by Chris Gunns Disused warehouse, High Orchard
SO8217 : Spa Road greens by Neil Owen Spa Road greens
Home of the Gloucester Spa Bowling & Social Club. The greens date back to before the Second World War, and are beside what used to be the old spa and pump rooms.
SO8217 : Derelict warehouse, Merchants' Road, Gloucester by Brian Robert Marshall Derelict warehouse, Merchants' Road, Gloucester
The fairly new Gloucester Quays shopping mall is nearby. Although considerable progress in regenerating the docks area has been made several old warehouses remain to be redeveloped. In the meantime the buildings provide home for feral... (more)

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