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Grid reference SX7037

near to Bolberry, Devon, England


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SX7037 : The Olde Cottage by Bill Boaden The Olde Cottage
A thatched cottage at Lower Soar. The footpath from the coast comes down the side of this cottage.
SX7037 : West Soar Admiralty Signal Station by jeff collins West Soar Admiralty Signal Station
Built in 1794. A rare survivor of a chain of signal stations that used to run the length of the Channel coast. All that remains now is this tower which has recently been restored. From the path to Higher and Lower Soar.
SX7037 : Soar Mill Cove Hotel and valley by David Smith Soar Mill Cove Hotel and valley
SX7037 : Oilseed rape by Hugh Venables Oilseed rape
SX7037 : Gorse in bloom by the coastal path looking west towards Soar Mill Cove by Bob Cantwell Gorse in bloom by the coastal path looking west towards Soar Mill Cove
SX7037 : Footpath to Lower Soar by Tony Atkin Footpath to Lower Soar
This footpath runs inland from the coast, across the fields to Lower Soar Farm. I would like to tell you what that building is for but I don't know. I can only say that it is a tall square shaped building with a pyramidal roof which... (more)
SX7037 : Footpath to Soar by Philip Halling Footpath to Soar
Footpath and stile with Soar in the background.
SX7037 : Malborough: towards The Warren by Martin Bodman Malborough: towards The Warren
Looking east-south-east on a coast path – not the South West Coast Path, which runs inland here – on part of the National Trust estate
SX7037 : A coastal walk around Bolt Head and The Warren [52] by Michael Dibb A coastal walk around Bolt Head and The Warren [52]
Seen from the path is the former Admiralty Signal Station. A small square building, constructed in 1794 of Slatestone rubble stone with a pyramidal stone corbelled roof. See SX7037 : A coastal walk around Bolt Head and The Warren [50] and SX7037 : A coastal walk around Bolt Head and The Warren [51]. The station is listed, grade II, with... (more)
SX7037 : Soar by Derek Harper Soar
The hamlet of two farms and associated buildings is now dominated by holiday accommodation, principally the lodges at Salcombe Retreat. Note how the older buildings are set below the skyline, in this view from Malborough Footpath 15 at... (more)
SX7037 : Malborough: near Steeple Cove by Martin Bodman Malborough: near Steeple Cove
Looking north west along coastline – which is all part of the National Trust’s portfolio – to Bolberry Down
SX7037 : Warren Barn (remains of ) by jeff collins Warren Barn (remains of )
Hidden from view from the main path.

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