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Grid reference ND3648

near to Whiterow, Highland, Scotland


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1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from ND3648 [1] mentioning ND3648 [1] taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 23 for ND3648 - View this square in the Browser >>>
ND3648 : MOD Rifle Range by Glen Breaden MOD Rifle Range
A rifle range with all the accoutrements including the sentry boxes when in use.
ND3648 : Stack O' Brough by martin bremner Stack O' Brough
ND3648 : Affectionate Kittiwakes by David Bremner Affectionate Kittiwakes
On a rock known locally as Scorrie's Island. These kittiwakes almost seemed affectionate!
ND3648 : Castle of Old Wick by Craig Brown Castle of Old Wick
ND3648 : Rifle Range, Old Wick by Mick Garratt Rifle Range, Old Wick
Canmore.org.uk. (2021). Old Wick, Rifle Range | Canmore. [online] Available at: LinkExternal link [Accessed 4 Jun. 2021].
ND3648 : Coastal cliffs by Stanley Howe Coastal cliffs
Between Castle of Wick and The Brough, viewed from the footpath to the castle.
ND3648 : Cliffs and sea stack by Richard Dorrell Cliffs and sea stack
Spectacular coastal features a mile or so south of Wick.
ND3648 : Stack O' Brough by Fergus Mather Stack O' Brough
Stack O' Brough locally known as Scorrie's Island. It is possible to take a small boat through the natural arch in the stack where a blowhole acts as a skylight giving a Cathedral-like impression.
ND3648 : Sea inlet near Castle of Old Wick by Alan Reid Sea inlet near Castle of Old Wick
ND3648 : Wick - Old Castle of Wick by Paula Goodfellow Wick - Old Castle of Wick
This is one of the oldest keeps in Scotland, from the Norse, about 12th century. There are living quarters for a family there-- how did they keep the toddlers away from the edge?
ND3648 : Castle of Old Wick by Chris Andrews Castle of Old Wick
ND3648 : David R Oliver Memorial Bench by David Bremner David R Oliver Memorial Bench
A bench in memorial to the late Mr David R Oliver who taught biology for many years at Wick High School.

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